Code of Conduct

Students at LHTC are governed by the M-DCPS Adult Code of Student Conduct. The following will be considered grounds for dismissal of students:

  • Refusing to comply with the school’s identification (ID) badge policy. A valid LHTC identification badge (ID) must be worn visibly at all times by all students. There is an automatic suspension for not wearing a school ID.
  • Profane or indecent language and/or behavior.
  • Defacing or destruction of public property.
  • Being on school premises under the influence of alcohol and/or other mood modifiers.
  • Improper conduct resulting in a disturbance anywhere on the school premises.
  • Tampering with fire equipment, safety, and evacuation signs, or setting off a fire alarm.
  • Possession of firearms, knives, explosives or incendiary materials.
  • Having radios, musical instruments or other music-producing devices on campus.
  • Keeping phones and/or pagers on in classrooms. They must be off or in vibrate mode while attending class.

Student General Information

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